#Unselfie for Welcome Backpacks

The Missouri Annual Conference is in June, and Festival of Sharing has asked us to provide as many welcome backpacks as possible! The backpacks are utilized by Church World Service. When neighbors around the world are forced to leave their homes and begin a new life in various parts of the U.S., they often travel with few material possessions. Welcome Backpacks is how we ensure our newly arriving neighbors have essentials like food, water, blankets, hygiene items and a warm welcome home.

The list of items in the kit is extensive (27 items in various quantities), so instead of asking you to bring items or put together a kit, we’ve tasked a couple of volunteers to do that. What we need you to do is provide the funding for the items, and we want you to consider doing it a little differently…using text to give and with an #unselfie.

So this 2-step process has…2 parts.

  1. Anytime between now and May 15th, text to give $27 (or any multiple of 27 since there are 27 items in the backpack). You do this by texting “GIVESTANDREWSUMC $27” to the number 73256. After you send the text, you’ll receive a link to proceed with the giving.
  2. Then, post an #unselfie of yourself on social media that includes information about how others can give to the Welcome Backpack effort too. If you’re posting to Facebook, feel free to tag the church too: @standrewsumcdesoto. You might say something like:

Raising funds for Welcome Backs. Text GIVESTANDREWSUMC $27 to 73256 to give $27. @standrewsumcdesoto #unselfie