Due to vacations and travel during June and July, the church office will have varying hours. It will be closed May 30th for Memorial Day and will remain closed through June 2nd. There are also dates in late-June and throughout July when the office will be closed. All changes will be shared via social media.

Remember, text @4gsltw to the number 81010 to sign up for text messages from church!
Prayer requests are sent out as needed. If you would like to receive emailed prayer requests, you can sign up for those on our website. You can also submit prayer requests online.
Current Prayer List

The food pantry just received a huge donation thanks to the local letter carriers. Those donations still need to be sorted and counted to determine if there is anything that they are lacking. For now, continue to bring in boxed soup mixes and muffin mixes. Check out Facebook page for updates about items that might be brought!