Church Notes

Labor Day: what to wear to church
On Sunday, September 4th, the day before Labor Day, everyone who attends the in-person worship is invited to wear what they wear to work. If you’re retired, you can wear what you wore to work prior to retirement or your standard attire now that you’re retired! Those worshipping online are welcome to do the same, document your unity with a photo, and tag the church when you post the photo on social media. (@standrewsumcdesoto)

Pig Roast
Don’t forget that Frank’s Pig Roast is on Sunday, September 4th. It normally starts around 1 PM, and you should bring a covered dish to share and lawnchairs. If you do not know where you are going, please contact the church office for directions.

September Potluck
The Sunday Potluck will return on Sunday, September 24th after church. Fried chicken will be furnished, and we ask that our members bring sides or desserts. It has been some time since we have gathered for Potluck and would love to see a lot of friendly faces on that day. Please come and join us for good food and fellowship.

Current Prayer List