A Lenten Practice to consider taking up

First, I would like to thank everyone for your prayers and understanding in light of the recent complications with my eye. I underwent surgery on February 16th on my retina. As far as I can tell, everything went well.

As we enter the Lenten season, I want to stress the importance of being active in a community of believers. Although I know there is something to be said for the convenience of viewing our services by electronic media, I don’t believe we can grow to our full potential as disciples that make a difference without personal involvement with other Christians on a regular basis.

I say this from experience. I grew up in the church but left when I entered my late teens. I remember saying, “I don’t need to go to church to believe in God”. That is the excuse I used for not attending church. When I came to DeSoto, I wanted my girls to learn about God like I did when I was their age. I brought them to St. Andrew’s to get involved. Something else happened; Deb and I got involved.

Things started to change in my life. I began to grow as a Christian. I looked forward to Sunday mornings when I would see friends and my church family. I started to feel and think differently about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I felt like I was part of something bigger. I’m sure I am not the only one who misses members of our Church family and the friendships that resulted.

If you miss worshiping in person and seeing old friends on Sunday morning, there is no better time than Lent to start a new tradition or go back to an old one. There are new faces at St. Andrew’s, and I’m sure their lives and yours will be better by building stronger relationships.

If you are like me you have fond memories of St. Andrew’s from years past, maybe it’s time we start making memories for other new believers by just being a part of their church family. There is power in being part of a community of believers. Think about what you have to offer to others and what others might offer to enrich your life.

In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Steve

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