Being in the know is important
Identifying Graduates We would like to recognize graduates during May. Please submit names of graduates to the church office. This could be someone graduating from college, high school, kindergarten, 8th grade, etc. Mother’s Pictures Barbara Hoelzel would like to borrow pictures of your mother for a special Mother’s Day bulletin board. Please get your photos…
Easter is a beautiful season celebrating resurrection
Special services during April Easter Cantata will be at 10:30 AM on Sunday, April 10, 2022, which also coincides with Palm Sunday. The name Palm Sunday comes from a story in the Bible in which Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem. Prior to this event, Jesus and his friends roamed the countryside teaching and performing…
April Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthdays 4th: Betsy Weber 6th: Mary DeClue 13th: Marietta Martin, Bella Guertzgen 16th: Charlie Hoelzel 17th: Bob Alexander 18th: Chuck Bigelow 22nd: Steve Richardson 27th: Danielle Moskop Anniversaries 4th: Jerry & Marsha Greenstreet 23rd: Stoke & Rosemary Wischmeier If you are interested in other things happening at the church or as part of the ministry…
Parsonage updates continue at a brisk pace
The Trustees and the Pastor-Parish Committee have been working together to update the parsonage. As mentioned before in the January newsletter, the parsonage was built in the late 1960s and has had only slight updates. Since our current pastor has his own residence, we are updating the bathrooms while the parsonage is vacant. It is…
A prayer for Ukraine
PRAY A Prayer for Ukraine from Rev. Beth Richardson, Dean Emeritus of The Upper Room Chapel God makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. …God breaks the bow and shatters the spear;God burns the shields with fire.God says, “Be still, and know that I am God;I will be exalted among the nations,I will…
Online Ash Wednesday Service
The beginning of the Lenten season: Ash Wednesday, sharing the passion of Jesus Christ.PrayerFastingSacrificeMatthew 6:1-6, 16-20
Pants, protein, and pictures of Mom
Pants are being collected outside the church office. New or gently worn pants will be given to the local elementary schools for kids in need. Kids sizes 5-12 can be dropped in the bins outside the church office. In conversations with the food pantry, there is still a shortage of protein. For the month of…
The Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday
Our traditional Ash Wednesday Service will be held on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 6:30 PM. You can attend the in-person service at church, which will include Communion and imposition of ashes. We are also offering an online service that does not include the sacraments. You are invited to attend and experience this season of…
March Calendar Notes
Birthdays 1st: Wyatt Hickman 2nd: Frank Talbert 5th: Kate Bigelow 15th: Emily Neckermann 21st: Dennis Doyle 30th: Emily West Anniversaries 2nd: Larry & Frances Deaton If you are interested in other things happening at the church or as part of the ministry of the church, please check out our calendar. You can also view the printed…
Pastor’s Note
As I prepare my article for the March newsletter my plans for the Lenten season are not finalized. I do know we will have an in-person Ash Wednesday service with imposition of ashes and communion on March 2nd at 6:30 pm. There will also be a service available online at the same time without sacraments.…