Calling all Night to Shine volunteers…
Night to Shine is quickly approaching. Here are all the details and forms for volunteers. First: what are you signing up to do? The 2022 Night to Shine will be virtual. We know that the pandemic has continued to complicate so many parts of our everyday lives, but our Night to Shine guests deserve our…
2021 has been an incredibly long year…
And we have had so few opportunities to connect. Not sure where someone’s child is going to school? Have no idea how the transition is going after a move? Want an update on how a friend is doing after the loss of a spouse? We’ve all missed connecting and checking in on one another, so…
December calendar notes
Birthdays 5th—Gabby Beckley 10th—Grant Fauth 12th—Terry Neckermann 14th—Mike Neckermann 20th—Garrett West 21st—Josie Guertzgen 23rd—Marshall Bedell 24th—Alex Hunt 26th—Kelsey Kingsland 27th—Burt McAlpine 29th—Krista Adams Anniversaries 16th—Jack & Anita Robinson 26th—Paul & Becky Bradford 31st—Aaron & Marcia Wetzel Other Items The Christmas Cantata will be on December 19 at 10:30 AM. The Christmas Eve Service will be…
Night to Shine 2022 is rapidly approaching
We are so excited to host Night to Shine 2022! Due to COVID-19 and the safety of our honored guests as a top priority, this year Night to Shine will be a Shine-Thru Parade and Virtual Celebration! Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs,…
Connectional church means we are connected in our giving
Being part of a connectional church means that our giving has a greater reach. The mission of the church says to “go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19), and our apportioned giving allows us to fulfill the mission of the church without booking plane tickets! It supports the work of missionaries and missions…
Looking forward to Advent
Decorating the church for Advent will commence at 5:30 PM on Monday, November 22nd. You are correct if you think that is early this year! That is because the first Sunday of Advent is November 28, 2021. Come prepared to sort ornaments, hang wreaths, and enjoy some fellowship. It is just the thing to put…
Night to Shine Trivia Night Recap
If you missed Trivia Night on October 23rd, you and one other person in town should have enjoyed one another’s company because everyone else was hanging out with us! That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but we had 17 trivia tables with over 150 people in attendance. The evening was fun, engaging, and…
St. Andrew’s Day
St. Andrew’s Day is always celebrated on November 30th because it marks the crucifixion of the first apostle. We will again be having a free chili dinner that is open to the public. Here’s how you can help: We will need four volunteers in the kitchen from 4:30-6:30 PM and another four from 6:30-8 PM.…
November Calendar
Anniversary 20th: Mel & Laura Souders Birthdays 9th: Lyle Bryant and Mike Kingsland 10th: Caylie Ray 13th: Isaac Faust, Liam Wilhoit, Mya Wilhoit, and Owen Wilhoit 16th: Sebastian Smith and Brooke West 19th: Mel Souders and Brycen Kingsland 20th: Leah Parkin 21st: Marsha Foster 22nd: Rosemary Wischmeier 24th: Tom DeClue 25th: Tara Richardson 28th: CJ…
Joining a small group
There are currently two options for joining a small group. We’d like you to join whichever works best with your schedule, and as the groups grow, others will be added. If you would like to sign-up for a small group, and these options do not work for you, please contact the church office. This will…