January Food Pantry Item & Goal
We’ve set a new goal for January. Our item for January is canned protein. Please bring your canned tuna, chicken, etc. to the table at the end of the hall. If you’d like to make a monetary donation, you can do that by noting the amount with the memo “food pantry”. Our goal is to…
Knocking it out of the park
Fenway Park opened in 1912 and remains the oldest Major League Baseball stadium still in use. The park has the shortest distance of any field in baseball to left field (310′) and right field (302′). Because of the Green Monster though, it isn’t known for being advantageous for home run hitters. That 37′ wall gets…
Food Pantry Update
We did a great job with the chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and assorted morsels for the food pantry in November. Our original goal of 40 became 60 when another church decided they couldn’t provide as many as they had hoped. We wound up with a total of 87 bags! There were also a few assorted…
It’s a holiday party, and we’re part of it!
There are over 700 children in the foster care system in Jefferson County. The Jefferson County Foster Children’s Fund (JCFCF) provides positive, memorable experiences for foster children through activities and events designed specifically for the unique needs of the youth they serve. One major event hosted by the JCFCF is their annual holiday party. This…
Christmas Boxes for the Food Pantry
We are responsible for supplying 60 bags of morsels for the food pantry Christmas boxes! We were originally tasked with 40 bags, but we can certainly pull off 60. You can drop off morsels at the end of the hall; your donation of chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, butterscotch chips, white chocolate chips, or whichever…
Food Pantry for October
The congregation at St. Andrew’s has long filled a gap area with the food pantry. When items are running low, they either take in those items by donations or purchase them based on their available funds. Purchasing items is something that they like to keep to a minimum, and that’s where you enter the scene.…
Rummage sale to support missions
You can support the Festival of Sharing by bringing your unwanted items (rummage) into church and dropping it off in our C-room across from the Fellowship Hall. All items need to be brought in by September 15th. Our sale dates will be Friday and Saturday, September 23-24. We will gladly accept fall, winter, and summer…
Mission Minute in 2 parts!
Outstanding job! The donations of school supplies was fabulous. We wound up with 7 bottles of body wash, some Post-It notes, 4 binders, 17 erasers, 8 boxes of colored pencils, 5 boxes of washable markers, 3 boxes of red ink pens, 1 pack of blue pens, 26 boxes of crayons (for a total of 586!),…
A letter from Yadriela
We received a letter from Yadriela, our student who we sponsor through the Rainbow Network. (The translation and original letter are posted in the hallway at church too.) Hello dear friends. I hope you all are in good health. How I thank you for the beautiful gift of $20 you sent me on my birthday…
Add it to the grocery list!
July’s food pantry giving is the same as May and June. However, we have made it easier! We now have an Amazon Wish List that will allow you to purchase items for the church. The top two items on the list right now: muffin mix and Jiffy mix. You can access the list here, which…