We collected 73 cans of spaghettios, ravioli, and canned pasta for the food pantry in July. Thank you for all your donations! The month of August, the food pantry is in need of: Canned Chili We would appreciate your donations if you are able. Thank You! Barb Hoezel
August is always so hot and humid, so we will not be firing up the stoves.The Potluck is August 18th and we will be having sandwiches of sorts. Please bring a salad or a dessert to share if you are able. Everyone is welcome! “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am…
Plus, don’t forget there is yoga is each Monday at 10 AM, Rotary meets every other Tuesday at 12 PM and Bible study will meet on Tuesdays at 1:30 PM. July 4- Independence Day July 5- Edgar Huffman (b) Carrie Faust (b) July 9- Larry Deaton (b) July 12- Linda Sullivan (b) July 14- Doug…
Night to Shine trivia night will be Saturday, October 19th. The planning committee meets in July to kick things off. We will need donations for the basket raffle and silent auction at the event. Past donations have included: tickets to a show at the Fox theater, a handmade afghan, hand-turned wood bowls, hand-woven baskets, STL…
At the printing of the newsletter, we are having problems with our freezer in the church kitchen. It is our oldest appliance and needs servicing or replacing. The rental of the parsonage is hopeful. Steve Richardson is handling the rental applications. The advertisement is in the Leader and on Facebook. The NOMADS are coming to…
The summer is clicking right along. We hope to have our choir back starting in July wearing our new St. Andrew’s shirts. We are looking forward to a new season. Larry Bay Mosher Bay July dates are: All times are 6pm to 8pm July 11 Coyol July 13 Tater Shack July 18 El Lobo…