We will be collecting through the month of July for backpacks and school supplies to help out the Vineland and Athena students. If you would like to donate towards this mission, please indicate “backpacks” on your check to St. Andrew’s. Thank You! Please remember our local Ministerial Alliance. The need to help people with gas…
We collected 95 cans of Tuna for the month of June. Thank you so much to all who helped make that possible! The month of July we will be collecting cans of Ravioli, Spaghettios, and canned pasta. Our goal is 50 cans.
This months potluck will be on Sunday, July 21st after church. The main dish will be: Spaghetti We would love everyone to bring a dish to share. The newly updated sign on Hwy 110 looks great. Many thanks to all involved in making this possible! something worth mentioning
As I’ve gotten ready to leave our church building for the last couple of days, there has been an unusual amount of activity in the building. Jackie Brown and Amy Smith have been rehearsing their upcoming production of “Newsies” with local kids for Spotlight Community Theatre. The production will run July 19-21 at The Contrarian…
The Night to Shine street collection was a huge success! We collected $2420.97 in donations. That’s $811.01 more than we collected in 2023. Wow! Thanks to everyone at St. Andrew’s that donated or volunteered for this effort. We value and appreciate your support. Special thanks goes to Debbie DeGeare and Patty Briguglio. Debbie recruited our volunteers and…
“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in thechurch first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of healing,forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues.” – I Corinthians 12:27-28 If you are reading this by email and before June…