Pastoral Office Hours Pastor Chris is in the office Tuesday – Friday, 9-3. Fridays are his day to write, so please only contact him for emergencies on Fridays. If there is an emergency ANY DAY, ANY TIME, outside of those hours, please feel free to contact him at home, 314-571-9504. August Potluck We’ll have a…
The Chancel Choir welcomes Pastor Christopher Boyer to our congregation. The choir is looking forward to having our full choir starting in September. We will start rehearsals on Wednesday, August 30 from 6 to 7 pm. Anyone wanting to join choir should plan to be there for this first rehearsal! Mosher Bay has added a…
Your donations to assist our children with the rising cost of summer camp was fabulous. Thank you for always being there and assisting in a great summer camp experience for the kids. The goal for August is to help with students returning to classes by providing some much-needed school supplies. A list of the items…
We are slowly progressing with the updating of the parsonage. The walls of the kitchen have been painted, and the cabinets have been painted. We are now in the process of putting them back together. We have the flooring ready to install; and the bill for the flooring has been paid. However, the labor for…
Since school will soon be starting and August can be a bit of a drag, we thought it would be a good idea to add a little fun and brighten each others days. Share some fun During August, bring a photo or church bulletin from any of your summer trips! Share it by posting it…
The next Night to Shine is in the works! Scheduled for February 9, 2024 – DeSoto’s Night to Shine is met with anticipation of the seventh year celebrating Faith, Hope, and Love…not to mention the limo rides, green screen antics, fancy attire, photos, karaoke, meal, dancing, and the royal coronation. It is truly shaping up…