The De Soto Food Pantry is seeking canned chili from us during August. Their quantity on-hand has dropped, and they are in need of a serious restock. Our goal is 80 cans! You can pick some up at the grocery store, or you can order some from Amazon using this link.
Pure. You’ve probably heard that word before, but what’s it mean? Find out with the Konnect crew as they learn how to get pure and stay that way! In this three-part series, students will learn that Jesus lived a pure life, and we are called to be pure like Him. Because we represent Jesus here…
Anniversaries Birthdays If you are interested in other things happening at the church or as part of the ministry of the church, please check out our calendar. You can also view the printed calendar here.
A quick glance at the calendar tells me that by the time I write this article next month, the kids will be back in school! My first thought: good grief! It’s going to be hot those first few days/weeks of school. Pray for those kids—and their teachers! My subsequent thoughts turned to different ways those…
The Night to Shine Committee is happy to announce that the Jefferson Foundation has agreed to partially fund the 2024 event with a $7,500 grant! The support allows us to focus our efforts on creating a great event. Even with the grant funding, it doesn’t fully fund Night to Shine. In August, we’ll be raising…
Hello, Friends! Since I’m just beginning to learn what is “standard operating procedure” for St. Andrew’s, I’m not sure if I will have had my first Sunday among you (7/2) before you read this or after. At any rate, please know that as of writing this (6/13), I am excited to be joining you in…