The Choir is starting to rehearse to prepare for our new Pastor’s first sermon in July. We hope to have a regular Choir presence starting in September after Labor Day. In the meantime, I hope the beginning of our summer season finds all well. After Pastor Chris is gets settled, we will decide what to…
Hello, Friends! Since I’m just beginning to learn what is “standard operating procedure” for St. Andrew’s, I’m not sure if I will have had my first Sunday among you (7/2) before you read this or after. At any rate, please know that as of writing this (6/13), I am excited to be joining you in…
Dear St. Andrew’s, Thank you very much for the card and the gift card for gradution. I really appreciate it! -Addyson Stichling
There used to be a wise saying about arguments that helped keep things civil. One party or the other would say, “I disagree with what you say, but I defend with my life your right to say it.” That sounds downright quaint in today’s climate, where partisans are more likely to say, “I disagree with…
Local kids are working hard to put together Annie JR! With three shows in July at the Jefferson College Fine Arts Theater, you are sure to enjoy this production put together by our own Jackie Brown and Amy Smith. Based on the popular comic strip and adapted from the Tony Award-winning Best Musical, with a…
The food pantry item we’ll be collecting in July is canned potatoes. You can pick up cans of whole potatoes, diced or sliced potatoes. Make sure you drop off a couple of cans of potatoes on the table at the end of the hall. And because you might need a reminder, here’s your potato joke…