It’s the neighborly thing to do!During September, we’ll be ushering in National Good Neighbor Day by focusing our 1-minute Tuesday prayers on our neighbors. You can join in by praying for 1 minute every Tuesday. If you’d like to get a reminder about the prayers via text, you can sign up for those here. September…
StewardshipWhile creating revenue for the church is essential, it is not the foundational purpose of stewardship. Don’t misunderstand this: raising money for the operation of the church is important, and the money people give or don’t give will either empower or cripple ministry that the church must be about and that the world desperately needs.…
Jesus chose 12 disciples to follow Him while He lived on earth. So what is a disciple, and can we still be disciples today? A disciple is a learner, but in this three-part series kids will learn that being a disciple of Jesus means much, much more. He is not only our teacher, but also…
As summer activities begin to wind down and routines return to somewhat normal, I encourage everyone to look at your religious activities. It seems we are going to have to make some permanent adjustments in our lives because of Covid restrictions. This does not mean we must stop doing those things that bring us joy…
Birthdays 1st: Benno Weber 3rd: KC Cope 6th: Beau Weber 7th: Marsha Greenstreet 8th: John White 10th: Kim Kingsland 14th: Sarra Faust 15th: Sean Mahoney 18th: Colton Parkin 20th: Laura Souders 22nd: Phyllis Fisher 26th: Karleigh Faust 28th: Linda Bean, Sharon Vance, and Sarah McAlpine 30th: Terri Deaton Anniversaries 9th: Greg & Tara Schellert 12th:…
Outstanding job! The donations of school supplies was fabulous. We wound up with 7 bottles of body wash, some Post-It notes, 4 binders, 17 erasers, 8 boxes of colored pencils, 5 boxes of washable markers, 3 boxes of red ink pens, 1 pack of blue pens, 26 boxes of crayons (for a total of 586!),…