We’re starting a new series and a new season. Welcome to Konnect HQ, where kids learn to live out God’s mission. The lesson is just a short video about how kids can feel connected to God. The Challenge Card is something you can use to further expand their learning in the home. It re-enforces the…
As auction and raffle items arrive for Trivia Night, we’ll post photos and updates here and on our Facebook page. To bid or win items though, you’ll have to play! Teams of 8 and individuals can still register, but the price increase goes into effect on September 25th. Make sure to register online or have…
Labor Day: what to wear to churchOn Sunday, September 4th, the day before Labor Day, everyone who attends the in-person worship is invited to wear what they wear to work. If you’re retired, you can wear what you wore to work prior to retirement or your standard attire now that you’re retired! Those worshipping online…
We will host a Blessing of the Backpacks service on Sunday, September 18, 2022 during our morning worship. Students, teachers, and support staff are invited to bring their backpacks, satchels, books, or other tools of the trade to the service. We’ll be celebrating the start of a new school year and praying over our students…
You can support the Festival of Sharing by bringing your unwanted items (rummage) into church and dropping it off in our C-room across from the Fellowship Hall. All items need to be brought in by September 15th. Our sale dates will be Friday and Saturday, September 23-24. We will gladly accept fall, winter, and summer…
We are finding people are very busy and are not available to volunteer to complete needed repairs at the church and parsonage. We are pursuring help through the NOMADS Mission Volunteers. NOMADS stands for Nomads On a Mission Active in Divine Service. NOMADS provide volunteer labor for United Methodist organizations. They demonstrate God’s love through…