How do we gather?
The idea that the church, God’s people, wouldn’t meet on a Sunday still strikes many Christians as odd and even a watching world notices the empty parking lots. Right now, we’re asking how do we remain faithful when we choose to not gather together in person on Sunday? The church automatically brings to mind gathered…
Church Check-In
It’s a chance to connect when connection is so important! You are welcome to join this small group to share prayer requests and enjoy some fellowship. It is twice a month and lasts about an hour. These small group meetings are informal, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t feel welcome. If you have signed up…
Church Check-In
A chance to connect and check in with one another. You are welcome to join this small group to share prayer requests, give updates about coping with a pandemic, and to just see each other (even through a computer screen). It is twice a month and lasts about an hour. These small group meetings are…
Church Check-Ins
A chance to connect and check in with one another. You are welcome to join this small group to share prayer requests, give updates about coping with a pandemic, and to just see each other (even through a computer screen). It is twice a month and lasts about an hour. These small group meetings are…
Church Check-In
A chance to connect and check in with one another. These small, virtual meetings are just an informal gathering to check on each other, pray for one another, and connect with those that you aren’t able to see regularly. If you have signed up to receive announcements from church, you should receive information in an…
Staying Connected
Thanks goes out to all who are taking extra steps in keeping connected at this time of sheltering during the pandemic. Additionally, six special ladies – Merlin Weber, Terry Neckermann, Marietta Martin, Jan Stichling, Barb Hoelzel, and Laura Souders – have agreed to serve our congregation in making 5-10 calls each week, systematically checking in…