Money Matters
A note from the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church We celebrate the ministry of St. Andrew’s UMC for faithfully giving 100% of conference, national and global apportionments for 2020 to support United Methodist connectional ministries in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We give God…
Valentine’s Day Dinner
Just a quick reminder that First United Methodist Church is hosting a Valentine’s Day dinner. The gathering will be at the church on Boyd Street and begins at 7 PM on Valentine’s Day. The cost is $8 each or $15 per couple. In addition to dinner, there will be games with prizes. Money raised will…
Mission Minute
Oh Valentine’s Day! Where did it originate? One story indicates that the Roman emperor Claudius was having trouble recruiting Roman men to be soldiers because the men were unnecessarily attached to their wives and children. To get rid of the problem, Claudius banned all marriages and engagements in Rome. Valentine, a priest, realizing the injustice…
UMW News
Our annual Valentine cards for shut-ins will be ready to sign at the dining room table on Sunday, January 28th. Speaking of Valentine’s Day, the circle’s annual bake sale will not be held in February. Our spring fundraiser, which benefits mission work that our circle does, will be hosted at Easter time on Sunday, March…