“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come into God’s presence with singing.” — Psalm 100:1-2 “Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe!” — Psalm 150:3-4 “And when the musician played,…
PARSONAGE REHAB We have just a little bit more to complete our rehabbing of the parsonage. Now is the time to start thinking about the future of the parsonage. The gables on the outstide still need to be replaced. However, that doesn’t really hamper the trustees thinking about what is to happen next. CHURCH BUILDING…
Bring a chair! Don’t forget that Frank’s Pig Roast is after church on Sunday, September 3rd. Bring a side dish, a lawn chair, and something to drink. Frank will take care of the hog, plates, napkins, and plasticware. Join us for this casual gathering on the lawn. If you need the address, please contact the…
Our September Potluck on September 17th will be our St Andrew’s Picnic at Spross Park after church. We will be furnishing hamburgers & hot dogs. Everyone bring a dish to share. I hope you can make it! The October Potluck will be on October 15th and that will be a soup & sandwich or salad…
The Chancel Choir is looking forward to being back starting September 3rd. It has been a long wait after dealing with Covid. Please support the hard work of our choir members, and if you are singing in choir, remember that practice will be each Wednesday evening at 6 PM. We have decided on an online…
The renovation of the parsonage is nearing completion. The updating of the half-bath is our last major project now. We had sufficient flooring and tile leftover from the kitchen updating that Amy Hickman and Karen Huffman have been working in that area. School is starting and that means Amy has less time available. That will…