June Birthdays 6th: Isaiah Haynes13th: Austin Kingsland16th: Angela Keys20th: Jerry Greenstreet21st: Stan Fauth24th: Bailyn Schellert25th: Marcia Wetzel27th: Larry Bay29th: Amy Smith June Anniversaries 1st: Burt & Melissa McAlpine 2nd: Dave & Jackie Brown 6th: Edgar & Karen Huffman 8th: Stan & Jan Fauth 9th: William & Emily West 24th: Chuck & Kate Bigelow If you…
-Hans Christian Anderson A big thank you to two of our youth, Marshal Bedell and Asa Faust for bringing their talent to our church with their meaningful solo work. I look forward to them singing in the future. Our praise team is working on material for our online service, but we are taking a break…
Although Night to Shine is held annually in February, there are a few updates to share. The Tim Tebow Foundation sent out an announcement that they are very hopeful the 2023 Night to Shine will be held in-person. Of course, modifications might be made, but we are anticipating that February 10, 2023 will be a…
The Missouri Annual Conference is in June, and Festival of Sharing has asked us to provide as many welcome backpacks as possible! The backpacks are utilized by Church World Service. When neighbors around the world are forced to leave their homes and begin a new life in various parts of the U.S., they often travel…
Fellowship time We are returning to a fellowship time, but it will be a little bit different. It will be BEFORE worship from 9:30 until about 10:15. You can drop in for coffee and a snack and chat with others anytime until 10:15. At that time, you will be encouraged to find a seat in…