Mary’s House of Hope
For several years, St. Andrew’s has contributed goodies and money to Comtrea for A Safe Place, the women’s shelter and for Mary’s House of Hope, a transitional housing development. Recently, Comtrea announced that Mary’s House of Hope is moving into Phase 2! Here’s more information about how you can support them as they begin this…
Mission Minute
Remember that wall of money we did last year? It was very successful. In fact, it was so successful that we raised funds in excess of what was needed…to the tune of over $400! After deliberation, it was determined that since the money was originally intended to be used for the Ladies’ Day Out for…
Mission Minute
There were so many children and families blessed last year through your generosity. From Valentines, Pony Bird, A Safe Place, Festival of Sharing, the mitten tree, and all the other projects between, you have always been there to help. Thank you for always showing God’s Love to people who are in need! -Frances Deaton Mitten…
Mission Minute
Thanks to the last Sunday that we collected items and money for the Student Dental Kits, we topped our goal and were able to send 51 kits to Festival of Sharing! Before that final Sunday, we could only fill 42 kits. Amazing! Thank you for your support. Our Wall of Money is up for the Ladies…
Mission Minute
We are almost to the deadline for our Student Dental kits for Festival of Sharing. Please have items at church by October 4th, so we can put the packs together and get them delivered to Festival of Sharing. In November, we will be hosting the ladies and children from A Safe Place. The ladies will…
Mission Minutes
The Festival of Sharing books are here! It will look a little different this year, since the format has changed. Feel free to let Frances Deaton know if you find something of particular interest or have questions about what we contribute. In addition to Festival of Sharing, there is a great opportunity coming up to…
Mission Minutes
Once again, you have blown the top off! The youth collected $254 for the 2017 Foster Children’s Holiday Party. The mitten tree was another success! The totals were 61 pair of gloves, ear muffs, 20 pair of socks, 7 scarves, and 24 beanies. Some of these items were in sets that we left together. WOW!…
Mitten Tree
The mitten tree is up in the church sanctuary to collect mittens, scarfs, knit caps, and any item for keeping kids warm this winter. We will be giving them to Vineland, Grandview, and Athena Elementary before the Christmas break, so the last Sunday to donate will be December 10, 2017. The youth will be taking…