Consider percentage-based giving
No matter how or what amount you give to your congregation, thank you! Your offerings sustain important ministries, and there is no such thing as an inappropriate or inadequate offering. But if you are among the many who give regularly on a “lump sum” basis, consider giving on a percentage basis instead. The “lump sum”…
Giving through the connection
United Methodists in Mission As United Methodists, we accept and affirm that the primary task of our church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ; to proclaim the gospel, the good news; and to seek and to welcome and gather people of faith into the body of Christ. When one joins the United Methodist congregation,…
Connectional church means we are connected in our giving
Being part of a connectional church means that our giving has a greater reach. The mission of the church says to “go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19), and our apportioned giving allows us to fulfill the mission of the church without booking plane tickets! It supports the work of missionaries and missions…
Money Matters
A note from the Missouri Conference of the United Methodist Church We celebrate the ministry of St. Andrew’s UMC for faithfully giving 100% of conference, national and global apportionments for 2020 to support United Methodist connectional ministries in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We give God…
Money Matters
The year has been different for many, but we’re already over halfway to the end. We haven’t managed to get half of the apportioned giving paid yet though. Just as a reminder, apportioned giving is what we give to support United Methodist ministries in Missouri and around the globe. It is what keeps us connected…
Where the Money Goes
Apportionment Amount Due % Paid Balance Episcopal Fund $709.00 14% $609 Ministerial Education Fund $809.00 16% $677 District Apportionments $1,167.00 50% $584 Conference Administration $1,363.00 40% $813 In short the Episcopal Fund pays the Bishops’ salaries, covers their office and travel expenses, and provides their pension and health-benefit coverage. We’ve paid $100 of this apportioned…
Where the Money Goes
The total amount that we owe in Conference, District, and Special apportionments in 2019 is $18,705. Our Conference Apportionments are $17,088; District Apportionments are $1167; and we have agreed to $450 for the year to go to the Mozambique Initiative. In an effort to increase the percentage of apportionments that we pay, we will highlight…
Thank You
Dear Friends, Thank you for your efforts and decision to send your 100% connectional giving to the District during 2018. Your purposeful giving at the start of a new year reveals your congregation’s abiding faith, health, and generosity, and allows us to begin a new year with the assurance that we can sustain current and…