Mission Minute
Night to Shine Night to Shine just completed its first virtual run, and it was a great success. These things don’t happen without a lot of work though, and our 2022 Night to Shine work begins April 5, 2021. Please join us from April 5 through May 6th for Give STL Day! This past year…
Here’s a quick update on giving. Over $2,200 was given to the Ministerial Alliance as a result of the Singspiration hosted by the church. An offering of $1,119 was collected during Singspiration and additional funds were received in the weeks leading up to it. The Ministerial Alliance helps locals who are needing gas money or…
WITH UMCMarket.org, GIVING IS AS EASY AS 1-2-3 iGive is a free service. Since 1997, iGive has grown to 350,000+ members supporting 150,000+ causes and raised over $10 Million! iGive members generate donations by shopping online at over 2,000+ stores. There are no added costs, obligations, nor any hidden fees. You don’t need to enter…
Money Matters
Thank you to those who have been diligent to mail in their giving while regular church service has been suspended. Your attention to this matter and faithfulness is appreciated. Options for giving One option for giving is to mail your check or money order to 1004 Rock Road | DeSoto, MO 63020, but that isn’t…
Tithing in Difficult Times
As we give via mail, text, and online, you are invited to give generously so you may be entrusted with what Jesus calls, “true riches.” It is harder when we aren’t actually visiting church every Sunday, but it is still giving. The need has not diminished; neither should your dedication. How many of you enjoy…
Storage Facilities
Did you know there are more than 50,000 storage facilities around the world? They go by many names: U-store, Self-store, you name it — it seems we see them everywhere these days. We have plenty of options for keeping all of our stuff secure. Did you also know there’s a reason we seem to see…
Give: an Expression of Love
Paying Ameren isn’t really inspiring. There’s no great joy or love felt when paying utilities or even paying other recurring monthly bills. So what inspires people in the church to pay all those boring bills? Nothing. We don’t give because Ameren gives us a warm, fuzzy feeling. (That’s Spire because the church has gas furnaces!)…
Where the Money Goes
In this season of giving, here is some biblical background to empower you to become a generous giver and discover the joy that comes with it. At the core of our biblical and theological understanding of giving is the truth that “all things come from [God], and of [God’s] own have we given [God]” (1…
Thank You
Dear St. Andrew’s UMC, Thank you for giving to the Zion United Methodist Church Scholarship in the amount of $100.00. Your investment in endowed scholarships at Central provides a perpetual source of support for deserving students to learn and grow. You are helping us achieve our mission of preparing students to make a difference in…
Where the Money Goes
Since the October newsletter came out, there have been updates to our apportioned giving. We paid another $2,700 toward our annual giving bill. We sent over $650 to other Methodist and non-Methodist causes too. A portion of our giving went to the Mission, Service, and Justice fund with the Missouri Annual Conference. Part of the…