Greetings from Pastor Chris
Hello, Friends! Since I’m just beginning to learn what is “standard operating procedure” for St. Andrew’s, I’m not sure if I will have had my first Sunday among you (7/2) before you read this or after. At any rate, please know that as of writing this (6/13), I am excited to be joining you in…
A parting note from Pastor Steve
Most of you know that I will be retiring from pulpit ministry at the end of June. I retired from ministry once before in June of 2015. At that time, the District Superintendent had asked me to take a leave of absence instead of retiring so I wouldn’t have surrender my credentials. That would have…
The Day of Pentecost
The Easter Season is over, and we are headed for Pentecost. That doesn’t mean our job as Easter people is done. As Easter people, we believe in the Risen Christ and all that means for those who believe. I recently said in one of my messages that I believe all those who witnessed the death…
Spring is here.
As I begin to write this, it sure doesn’t feel like it! The thermometer read 10 degrees when I got up this morning. Spring is a time of new beginnings. Flowers begin to bloom. Birds return from their winter havens. Trees begin to bud. Grass begins to grow. It is also when we celebrate the…
A new year’s resolution
In last month’s newsletter, I said the year was almost over. Well, it is over now. I also asked for a special favor. I asked you to brighten the life of someone by introducing them to Jesus and said it was the best gift you could give. I hope you did introduce someone to Jesus…
Pastor’s Note
Can you believe it? This year is almost over! A lot has happened here at St. Andrew’s UMC in the last year, and we have gone through a lot of changes. Who would have thought I would be asked to come out of retirement and lead the congregation that sent me into ministry over 20…
Preparing for what is ahead
I know it is early to be thinking about how hectic our days will get as we get closer to the celebration of the birth of our Lord. With that said, I feel it is my job as your Pastor to prepare you for challenges in life as well as prepare you for your Christian…
Pastor’s Note
As summer activities begin to wind down and routines return to somewhat normal, I encourage everyone to look at your religious activities. It seems we are going to have to make some permanent adjustments in our lives because of Covid restrictions. This does not mean we must stop doing those things that bring us joy…
Pastor’s Note
As most of you know, I have been traveling. We have traveled through Iowa seeing my cousins, some of which have been very sick. We just got word that one is finally at home recovering after an extended hospital stay. We then went to Dyersville, Iowa where they filmed the movie Field of Dreams. After…
Pastor’s Notes
Well, another Annual Conference is behind us and the date and location for next year has been announced. Next year’s conference is moving to our side of the state. It will be held in St. Charles, Missouri on June 9,10, and 11. I will be officially retiring at next year’s conference, so it will be…